How to understand your partner / kids and what “going sailing” means to them even if they’re not “on board” or excited right now.
How to save money and go to the boat purchase process even if you know nothing about buying boats.
How to overcome your fear of storms and rogue waves even if the idea of bad weather terrifies you right now.
How to avoid expensive mistakes, dangerous situations and stay safe while cruising even if you have no experience.
How to get the whole family on board with the adventure even if you have no idea right how you'll do school, socialization and activities.
You and us (and the rest of your family embarking on this adventure with you) will work on planning and preparing the 4 parts of what it takes to successfully transition to the Bluewater Cruising Life.
The Crew: It’s infinitely better to start working out your Bluewater Cruising plans, roles and areas of expertise together now rather than waiting until you’ve bought about and are ready to cast off. Using our experience making this transition and a few tried and tested frameworks we’ll create the context for you to start working out your BWC partnership and start your adventure together now.
The Finances
The only real constraint to going Bluewater Cruising is health. Many people believe it’s money. We’re going to walk you step by step through exactly what the lifestyle you want to live Bluewater Cruising will cost and leave you with a tangible number you can make real life decisions around.
The Boat
Most aspiring cruisers have never purchased a boat before in their lives, or if they have it’s not been a big Bluewater Cruiser. Boat buying can be exciting, and it can be stressful. As a result many people spend much more than they need to when they buy their first boat. We’re going to help you get crystal clear on what you need and what you don’t need to live the quality of life you want out on the water.
Cruising Fundamentals
Weather, navigation, route-planning. These are the foundations of what you build your cruising plan on. We are going to show you how to decide where to sail and when to sail. When it’s safe to head out on passage, and when you should stay in port. We’ll teach you the framework to know what cruising areas are safe at what time of the year and unsafe at others. And we’re going to show you the key things you need to know to keep yourself and your family safe at sea.
We know you’ll love this course and are so confident that it will get you results that we will offer not 1 but 2 fully protected guarantees to ensure there is absolutely no risk for you whatsoever. We take all the risk so you have complete confidence that this course will work for you!
Click the ‘Book A Call’ button to schedule a free compass call with Chris or one of the Bluewater Cruising Team and we’ll show you exactly how we can help you create a life of freedom you want
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