Bluewater Cruising is an interactive online training platform and community for Active and Aspiring Bluewater Cruisers. We are the place to get everything you need to start living the life of adventure and freedom you dream of.

We help you to make your dreams about bluewater crusing a reality!


Your Captains And Our Founders

In summer of 2016, we sold our home in our quiet suburban Texas neighborhood...

...said goodbye to friends and family, Liquidated most of our assets...

And bought a sailboat to circumnavigate the globe.

The kids were really excited about that in the beginning.

Then 90 days later we were thinking what on earth have we done?

Without any prior sailing knowledge we've since sailed over 50,000 miles through three different oceans in both a monohull and a Catamaran. If I can do it...

Anyone can.

I'm Chris and in September of 2016, one month before my youngest daughter was born we bought a boat to sail the world...

...I know... Sounds crazy right? Why'd I do it?

Simple. I wanted to experience more life. I'd spent eight years of my life running an international investment sales business. I reached a point where I realized I was not happy and I wanted to do something different... so I did.

Today I've sailed over 20,000 miles with my wife and 2 daughters through two different oceans and loved every minute of it.

Ok... that's not totally true. I didn't love EVERY minute of it. But this experience has forever changed my life and my family's life for the BETTER.



Hi I'm Zac

Hello, fellow cruisers! My name is Zac Spowart I am an ocean-loving nomad from the US living in Bali. I found this amazing island and new way of life after being connected with the founder of Bluewater Cruising, Chris Biasutti, roughly 3 years ago. I grew up near the ocean, in a town called Monterey, CA.

I was introduced to sailing at a relatively young age of about 9 years old, when my parents encouraged me to take beginner-level sailing classes. I also grew up fishing with my grandpa and dad as well on a small Bayliner, and as such had a love for the sea at a young age. It had long been a dream of mine to live on a boat and sail long passages, which Chris helped me accomplish.

My professional background has bounced me all over the place from healthcare, to piloting, all the way to where I am today. I’m blessed to have had some incredible experiences which are only now further highlighted by joining the BWC team officially. I can’t wait to see what else is in store and look forward to connecting with you!


Hellooooo, Krischelle here

Please call me Kaja. I’m from the Philippines.

My love for water and wanting to learn surfing brought me to live near the beach. Watching the sun sets, petting dogs I see on the beach, drinking coffee, and spending time with family and friends are some of the things that I really enjoy doing!

Working with BWC has been a great blessing and experience! It allows me to support my family while doing the things I love and being surrounded by amazing people who inspire me to design and live the life I want.


I'm Dan Julius

Hello everyone! I’m Dan Julius from the Philippines, and I’ve just joined the Bluewater Cruising team, focusing on systems and tech. I’m really enjoying the culture here and embracing the new challenges that come with the role.

Outside of work, I recently enrolled in a freediving class, and before that, I’ve always loved hiking, camping, traveling, and exploring the uncharted waters of the Philippines. Just like with my outdoor adventures, I’m excited to dive into the new experiences and challenges at Bluewater Cruising, learning as I go and contributing to the team’s success. Looking forward to connecting with you all!




Hi, I am Lorelei Rose

Mori & I took the initial BWC Course at the end of 2021. I was so impressed with the training by the end of our training, that I contacted Chris to see if the Team was hiring. I joined the staff in November 2022 and I’m super excited to be a part of the journey as you make epic changes to get out there and live the waterlife.

A little about me:

- I have a rescue dachshund named Penelope Snapdragon

- Our boat is a unique 1994 Solaris Sunstream 40 sail catamaranI

- love anything to do with water and new experience

- I am not afraid to be odd, we all have that spark in us… go with it!


Hi I'm Jeff

I am a husband, father to six adult children, and grandfather to the most beautiful granddaughter on earth. I’m a born-again believer in Jesus Christ.

I am a Craftsman by trade. My wife and I have been out sailing the Caribbean for a little over two years and have recently returned to land for our next adventure.

I love encouraging people to make adjustments in their life to move towards the freedom and adventure of living aboard full-time.

BWC has been a great place for me to engage with other sailors that are looking for more out of life.



Chris Knapp

Chris Knapp along with his wife Jolene and 3 boys, Cater, Chase and Caleb are from Texas. In 2019 they sold everything to live on a boat and travel Florida and the Bahamas.

Chris has a background as an auto mechanic and owned a salvage yard in Texas. All his background came in handy while they cruised isolated locations and worked on their boat. While living aboard,

Chris worked on a 65’ Catamaran in the Florida Keys and took people snorkeling and SNUBA diving. He now holds a USCG 100 ton masters license with a towing endorsement, is a Certified ABYC tech, and is a licensed Florida Boat Broker. All that lead him to where he is today, helping people buy their dream boats and helping them learn the most they can about their boat, and how to live the cruising lifestyle! You can join their journey on their YouTube channel “The Wandering Knapps” Enjoying the Journey.


Hi! My name is Eric...

I was bitten by a radioactive spider. Just kidding.

There are no spiders in the ocean. Or is there?

Now that we are happily married, we are trying a lot of things like travelling, karaoke, and just doing other marriage-related activities!

I love being with the Bluewater Cruising team because they are a fun-loving and exciting team we have searched for our whole lives. Like my wife, I found "the one".



Heyyyy fam jam ! I’m Kaurie,

The marketing manager for Bluewater Cruising, living in Canada. I’m also a professional bridge engineer, a wifey to Mike, and a furr mom to our great dane, Miss Blueberry .

While Mike and I dream of becoming full-time liveaboards, my love for the water and adventure fuels my work, perfectly aligning with my motto, “embracing grays and sunshine rays – because life is too short! ” At Bluewater Cruising, I’m surrounded by like-minded dreamers, experienced liveaboards, and an amazing team of compassionate, resilient, and hard-working individuals.

I love sharing stories and helping aspiring cruisers achieve their dreams, making each day feel truly fulfilling and so surreal! Send me a DM and say hello. I’d love to learn more about your personal journey!


Ahoy! My name is Elisa,

I am from the Philippines. As a mom of four who works full time, you will find me armed with a coffee in one hand and a laptop in the other.

When I am not herding my kids or typing away at my laptop, I enjoy reading, baking, listening to BTS and exploring the great outdoors. I have very recently joined the Customer Success and Marketing team and I guess you can say I am new to this waters.

Being a part of such a dynamic and innovative organization is incredibly exciting for me. I very much look forward to contributing to our shared goals and learning from each of you!


Hello, I'm Khresna from Bali,

Hello, I'm Khresna from Bali, Indonesia, a husband and father of 3 adventurous sons who constantly inspire my life in unique ways.

I met Chris through a friend in late 2021, and that's where all the magic began. I joined Bluewater Cruising as a graphic designer and video editor. With over 10 years of experience in the creative industry, I translate Bluewater Cruising's vision and mission into visual forms including illustrations, typography, photography, and engaging motion graphics that resonate well with the audience.

Bluewater Cruising has grown significantly and now has an incredibly awesome team. You all are amazing, and I feel very fortunate to work with this team and contribute to making Bluewater Cruising even bigger.



Hi I'm Steph,

Hi Everyone! We are so excited to be here! My name is Steph and I left corporate after 10 years, bought my FP Bahia catamaran and spent 3 years living onboard in the Bahamas with my soul pup Zeaky (RIP after 14.5 years).

I am a Captain, Professional Freedive Instructor, Dive Master and Spearfishing Guide! My husband Cole moved onboard 2 years ago and we adopted our our Potcake pup Finn from Nassau, The Bahamas.

Cole is a Professional Captain and Spear/Fishing Guide who has worked all over the world on all types of boats and spent a significant amount of time in the South Pacific Ocean including working for the TV show Survivor.

We started our journey in Key West Florida and are currently sailing around French Polynesia for the next 1.5 years before heading over to Fiji! We look forward to connecting you all and are here to answer any questions diving, fishing, or pup related!


Hi I'm April

My husband and I met at 16 and have been together for 23 years. I started my cosmetology career straight out of high school while he joined the USMC.

Following his service, we moved back to Texas, started a family, and built our lives around my growing salon business and his career in the fire service.

Eventually, we settled on a 12-acre farm. Now, after many adventures, we're selling everything to pursue blue water cruising. Life's about creating your path and enjoying every moment!


Hi I'm Mae,

Hi there! I'm an island girl born and raised in the small island of Limasawa in the southern Philippines.

Growing up in a disaster-prone area and with a background in social science, I’m passionate about disaster risk reduction, often volunteering my skills with NGOs. I recently married my boyfriend of 13 years, and aside from starting the adventure of married life, we’ve also been hiking mountains since March, discovering the amazing flora and fauna in our region and the peace that comes with being in nature.

When we’re not hiking, we love hitting the beach, reading, swimming, or indulging my coffee addiction (acid reflux can't stop me!). I love working with Bluewater Cruising because it gives me the flexibility to pursue my adventures and help the community. Plus, the supportive and understanding team makes my new journey in sales a breeze. The spirit of Bluewater Cruising is an adventure that runs in my blood!


I'm Melissa,

Bonjour Everyone! I'm Melissa, a Cruising Plan Coordinator with Bluewater Cruising. I live in Ontario, Canada with my daughter, my pirate in crime Jon, and our 3 cats. I'm a Biologist who loves to travel and learn about cultures and languages. I feel at home near the ocean, and Jon and I cannot wait to become full time liveaboards and travel the world via sailboat.  I love swimming, wildlife, music, painting, true crime stories, and all things nerdy/geeky.  

I've taken sailing lessons and we are currently searching for our first boat to cruise the Great Lakes and East Coast.  I love being part of the BWC Team and continuing to learn all things about cruising and the liveaboard lifestyle. It's exciting to get to chat on Compass Calls with people from all over the world who share the dream of sailing and travelling. Can't wait to see you out there on the ocean!


I'm Rob,

I’m Rob and I grew up in Annapolis, so I’ve always been surrounded by the boating community—it’s in my blood. For a while, life took me in a different direction. I started a family and focused on raising my 2 beautiful daughters, but the dream of being out on the water never really left me.

In early 2023, I reconnected with my faith, and through my surrender to God’s plan got back on track with what I truly love.  With enough sea time logged, I passed my USCG OUPV and now I proudly carry my 6 pack captain’s licence, a goal I’d had for a long time! Shortly after I took the plunge and bought my own catamaran. That was a big moment for me!

Now, I’m here and couldn’t be more excited to be part of the Bluewater Cruising family. I’m really looking forward to the adventures ahead and being surrounded by a community that shares the same passion for the water. If I have one regret, it’s not finding out about Bluewater Cruising sooner, but I’m ready to make up for lost time and help others make their dream a reality too! 



Hi I'm Amy

A passionate traveler and interpreter, I thrive on exploring new cultures and languages.

I am happiest volunteering, beach combing, and crafting beautiful creations through knitting and crocheting. Lifelong learning excites me, whether it’s discovering new skills or deepening my knowledge.

I cherish quality time with family, friends, and our dogs, creating memories and sharing laughs. As a cruiser, I love being part of the BWC Team as the Financial Manager and a BWCA Host. I find assisting others in exploring if this lifestyle suits them and preparing them for the adventure very fulfilling.


I'm Paula

Hello, fellow cruisers! My name is Paula Cafe and I've been part of the Bluewater Cruising family since 2022. Working alongside our incredible team has been a true joy, and I am deeply passionate about the vision and mission that Chris bring. His dedication resonates with me, and I am committed to supporting him, our team, and the company in every way possible.

I am especially excited about the growth we've experienced over the past two years. Bluewater Cruising is more than just a company to me; it’s a place where I find fulfillment and joy in our collective journey and achievements. The camaraderie and shared goals we have make every day a new adventure. I look forward to continuing this journey and connecting with all of you as we sail toward new horizons together!


If we can do it, so can you! And this is exactly the reason why we are here and our motivation behind Bluewater Cruising!

We're here to help you achieve your dreams and live a life worth living. However you define it!




Let’s hop on a quick 1 on 1 Compass call where we can hash out your top 3 challenges to getting started Bluewater Cruising and get you pointed in the right direction. (It’s Free)




Let’s hop on a Quick 1 on 1 Compass Call where we can hash out your top 3 challenges to getting started Bluewater Cruising and get you pointed in the right direction. (It’s Free)

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